Friday, November 26, 2010

CLOSE YOUR EYES AND SEE BALI - a (Re-)Treat with Olande Ananda

Dear Friends,
We regret to announce that the envisaged Re-treat in Bali had to be cancelled due to a lack of the number of interested participants. If you are interested in a similar retreat, either in Bali or in Sri Lanka, kindly contact me at:
Ven. Olande Ananda has been planning a meditation retreat in Bali around New Year 2012.
We had hoped to spend the Old & New in the Centre for Awareness, Sidemen, Bali.
1-5th January 2012 at the Retreat Centre, Brahmavihara Arama, Banjar, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia.
Then a couple of days, to see beautiful, lovely, cultural, spiritual Bali, in the cultural Heart of Bali: Ubud.
If you are interested in this Retreat, please start making inquiries as soon as you read this......
Om Swasti Astu!!!